Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Okada ban in Lagos is becoming a headache to lagosians

Truth or dare, whether they like it or not we must share our opinion on anything that matter to us. We don't insult or fight with government but truth or dare we all know that information is power. In this case, we would like to emphasize that the Lagos government is wrong. Banning Okada plying in Lagos doesn't solve any problem rather than becoming another headache to some lagosians. Nevertheless, I don't write without REFERENCE.

It pain on my toes after writing about why someone can't shit in peace in Nigeria and coming down to write about the ban of okada ride in Lagos is like punching a nail on the wound. But even if this will result to cut off the toes we must blab the truth or dare. An average man striking to survive in Lagos will surely find it difficult to keep the ball rolling, do you know that some of them walk down a kilometer or more before they reach their hustle square???

The little Okada is their HOPE which safe them from trekking all along the street. My people where is the HOPE now???

Lagos is not like my village or anyone else village. Trekking only inside Lekki can weakening your spinal cord. Where are the Doctors reading this post, please tell me more.

I know someone can be so funny enough to say that it's an exercise.

This is a battle for struggle not exercise my friend! Despite the transportation expenses, there are some places or ghetto areas that the so called "Taxi" or "Buses" can't ply in Lagos.

I think the Lagos government should rethink about this sentimental decision making. YES! It's highly sentimental and don't ask me why I said so while you know that all the elites (including their children, friends and co-workers) have their personal rides, Benz to be precise. If we talk too much they will say that the poor are jealous. The fact is that we don't want the government that indirectly says "the poor shall rest in peace" before our dead.


Why not Click to subscribe to my updates. Let them break the news while we shake the table on NBG.


Sunday, February 2, 2020

My Four Years Experience In Blogging Brings A Lot Of Failures, Challenges And Success
Sorry!..NBG author is anonymous blogger

The first time I started Blogging was in 2016. I was searching for how to make money online and I came across many articles online written by Nigerian bloggers. Very curative and informative, a lot of them explaining why Blogging is the best way to make money online in Nigeria legitimately.

I was impressed and flabbergasted to the extent that I started searching for how to create blog immediately. Thanks to Harsh Agrawal (Indian pro blogger) the founder of I was trapped on his blog and feel inspired after reading how Harsh has been making millions of dollars online.

I asked myself a question "...And so does Nigerian Bloggers making such money online???". My research turned over to Google home page and I searched "how many Bloggers making money online in Nigeria"..Boom!!!..To my surprise, Linda Ikeja was ranked first on the list. I read about Linda Ikeji, it was like a dream to me the first time I saw her networth. Oh my God, I can't really believe this....biiiiiilions of Naira!!!

Among the rest are the founder of ogbongeblog, bellanaija, naijaloaded and others which I can't list here. But I'm going to write about them one after the other including their networths, pictures, full name and biography. In order to get notified once I publish the article you can Click to subscribe to my updates

I was so so inspired by Linda Ikeji and Harsh Agrawal because of the way they are making it BIG online. I feel so keen to start Blogging all because I want to make money online not knowing that I'm taking the wrong direction. YES! I MEAN IT.

My research continued after which I learned that there are two popular Blogging platforms which are WORDPRESS and BLOGSPOT. The former is self-hosted  platform (you pay for every shit you uploaded on the platform) while the leter is a free-hosted platform ( you do everything for free but you pay for it with your time and energy).

Since I don't have money to pay for web hosting and I'm not that too tech-savvy back then in 2016, then I decided to launch new blog on blogspot platform which I can't remember the URL anymore. Eventually, I quit Blogging in 2016 because of the following reasons:

  • Firstly, My education>>> Back then I was in 200level. So, I decided to quit Blogging and  focus more on my studies. 
  • Secondly, I took the wrong direction>>> my AIM was to "get rich quick" not knowing that Blogging is a long way journey.
  • Thirdly, Blogging challenges>>> the SEO (search engine optimization) stuff, contents creation stuff and profitable niche stuff.
My Blogging mistakes in 2016
  1. My first mistake was I don't give time to learn Blogging before I started Blogging.
  2. Having the habit of "get-rich-quick"
  3. Not knowing the actual and lucrative niche that can make me money from my blog.
  4. Being discouraged about Blogging on free-hosted platform (blogspot).
  5. Giving excuses in 2016 despite that I wanted to focus on my studies.
I bet you most Nigerian Bloggers face the same challenges and keep failing without making any changes.

Reasons why I said that I took the wrong direction from the initial stage

This is the biggest mistake I have ever made in my Blogging journey and I was fool enough to repeat the same mistake after I resumed Blogging in 2018. I finally realized that this is the reason behind my failure over the past 4 years. In 2018, I launched a new tech blog ( because many Bloggers have been shouting that tech niche is the most lucrative niche in blogosphere. YES! it is.. They are right but honestly some of these Bloggers don't even know what they are writing.

The fact is that the success of each Blogging niche (e.g education, health, how-tos, lifestyle, entertainment niche etc) depends on your targeted audience. What ever you are Blogging about if you target your audience wella you will surely generate huge income from your blog.

Therefore, I took the wrong direction by running a tech blog all because I want to make money online not knowing that tech niche is not that profitable in Nigeria. My target was to get blog readers from Nigeria while the most lucrative niche in Nigeria is entertainment niche.

Despite that I got a lot of sponsored adverts in 2019 and I make not less than 100$-150$ per each advertisement but I still took the wrong direction. Most Nigerian Bloggers will tell you that entertainment niche is saturated, there is higher competition in entertainment niche and bla bla bla.

Just because they believed they can't do it and they wanted you not to do it. SHAME!!!

I was on the second wrong direction by keeping pushing and not making fun from my blog all because I wanted to make that shitty money online. I always create contents to attract advertisers, start-ups and big companies.

DON'T put money first if you want to succeed in Blogging. Focus on creating contents and engage with your audience

Indeed, I conquered achievements, I was able to run sponsored ads and promotions (especially from bet sites, affiliate companies and start-ups in Nigeria and USA) but I still didn't love what I'm doing. I was just pushing because I only need the money. I'm not a bragging type but you can check the screenshots below as a clean prove.

Screenshot 01

Screenshot 02

Screenshot 001

Screenshot 002

I can't keep uploading screenshots here but honestly there are many of them. My message to Nigerian Bloggers (especially the newbies) is for them to know that Blogging is not all about making millions online. You can't compare yourself with those making big money from their blogs. Just play your game and catch fun as long as you can renew your web hosting annually (if you're using WordPress) with the little you're making. At least you can buy a sneakers and buy a new bra for your girlfriend.

Honestly, Blogging is fun, Blogging is passion and Blogging is business. Depending on the direction you take. If you take a look at top successful Bloggers in Nigeria, most of them are entertainment Bloggers and passionate about their Blogging and all what it takes.

They create happiness for themselves through Blogging and make their audience happy, they create engagement between them and their audience. That is the life I ever wanted not only the shitty money I have been making from Blogging.

Why I quit and focus on naijabloggersgossip (NBG)

The reasons are obvious, I can't keep shouting because of money anymore. I need the happiness in Blogging. As people says "money cannot buy happiness". What a nacked truth!

I decided to taste the happiness to the marrow and create engagement with my audience. I believe Bloggers in my community would be like "oh why have you been sticking to blogspot all this while???"
Well, that is what I have been learning in the past 2 years and I really enjoy Blogging on blogspot not even because it's a free-hosted platform.

Most bloggers think that someone cannot make money with blogspot blog. Some will go further to tell you that your blog is not looking professional, you cannot attract advertisers with blogspot blog, you won't get organic traffic and bla bla bla. My brother who SERP epp?!

Using WordPress will not make you ranked first on Google. Wait oo! What is the benefit of ranking first on Google?...Why will you kill yourself because of ranking number 01 on Google???

The best SEO is creating engagement with your audience, once they feel entertained, welcomed and involved they will keep visiting your blog on daily basis. Stop flushing your blog with null plugins and all those useless SEO tricks online written by selfish Bloggers just to convert you to their customer. Therefore, your contents and engagement with your blog readers is a source of your traffic and clean proof of your professionalism in blogosphere. Let your blog speak for you.

Success and progress begins after I changed my direction

I failed and keep failing. Ending of 2018, I decided to change my direction. I started researching on the secret of successful Bloggers and I came across nail Patel's blog. Nail Patel is SEO expert and one of the most successful and famous blogger in the world. I digested a lot of meaningful contents from his blog. I could remember one of his post where he quoted "if you want to hide a secret from an illiterate person write it in a book. They will never read it." the quote was funny to me but I leter realized that it's a nacked truth which I can't deny. He also stated that "there is no valuable contents on the internet that can make you a successful Blogger; the secrets are hidden in online courses and e-books". I learned my lesson from this little quotes from Nail Patel.

I started searching for best Blogging e-books and amazingly, I landed on the BEST BLOGGING E-BOOK by problogger. I took the risk and buy the e-book, the risk that changed my direction. I found all the secrets that I wanted to know in blogosphere, the truth and dare of Blogging, the tips and tricks.

Surprisingly, problogger went extra-mile and revealed how he used to confuse clients and generate a leads that convert to sales....hhh really funny but f*cking truth.

The lesson I learnt was you can blog about anything and everything and make money out of it so far you target the right audience. I learnt that relying on Google AdSense to make Money online is a waste of time. No wonder non of them is using it.

I also learnt that the most successful Bloggers make money from affiliate marketing and sponsorship. And how they used to target advertisers as well as how advertisers used to know whether your blog can help their business by promoting their products/services to your audience (blog readers). Now, it's time to unleash the beast!

This year (2020) brings a lot of success as we started getting sponsorship on NBG from big brands in Nigeria and out side countries, and indeed, brands that appreciate what we can offer to their businesses.

Typical life of anonymous blogger

A big thank to farmfunded (Nigeria largest agricultural business market place) and swappa ( trusted mobile phones and gadgets e-commerce website in USA) for choosing us as a medium to outreach their products/services to our large number of audience. We look forward to work hard and build the audience that really matters. Follow your passion and also be consistent. Surely, your success will locate you!

This post contains affiliate links. We would earn a commission once you make a purchase.

If you love this post please don't forget to share. Thank you!

Friday, January 31, 2020

PHOTOS: Corps members rising voice on social media over the payment of minimum wage 33K
NYSC Corp members rising voice on social media over the payment of minimum wage wage 33k

It comes to our door-step today as National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) shouting on social media after federal government of Nigeria (FG) started implementing the promised payment of minimum wage which scale at 33,000 Naira. All Nigerian Corps members (including myself) will start dancing to the alart-tone each and every ending of the month.

The very time that I confirmed this update I was like "OMG! FG don reason us wella ooo. At least Pesi fit do better DATA subscription for Blogging. I recently wrote on how I have been spending thousands of Naira on DATA subscription just for Blogging sake. You can read HERE leter.

Nevertheless, once we enter Camp my "give aways" will start bouncing on this blog. It's a promise. You too will enjoy this 33k, no be say you go dey read Tori on NBG only. Therefore, better Click to subscribe for my updates so that you won't miss my give aways. Who no like better food???...lolz..

Bellow are the craziest pictures of Corps members rising voice on social media after FG started the payment of minimum wage

Corp member share post on Facebook
Photo of NYSC Corps member

Corp member share post on social media

Another post from Corps member on Facebook

This one weak me aswear

Credit: Giftedart

This post was reported to us by one of our regular visitors. Report a #gossip to us ON FACEBOOK.

RECENT POST: MAD OO! Nollywood actor reported why he trekked shirtless to beg for help in Lagos


Wednesday, January 29, 2020

MAD OO! Nollywood actor reported why he trekked shirtless to beg for help in Lagos

Nigeria film industry

Is this madness or what?.. How can someone who is popularly well-known in the country trekked Lagos Street without shirt all in the name of seeking for a helping hand. The nollywood actor, Ernest Asuzu claimed that he went "off shirt" on Lagos Street to beg for a help to cure his medical condition (FULL STORY HERE).

Is it that Ernest Asuzu don't have someone, maybe, friends and family that can help him out and why must he went on street without wearing a shirt before seeking for a help. Does walking shirtless guarantee that someone will surely help him and why did he decided to do so. I guess, they must be something BIG behind this mystery.

Yes! It's not bad to seek for a help but I know must of his fans were shocked for his action because of his popularity and the way his fans usually think that he is among one of the millionaires in Nigeria film industry.

This incident makes me to remember Uche Maduagwu (nollywood actor) who also recently shared on his Instagram page how some nollywood actors sleep with sugar mommies in Lagos before they can afford a living. He said there is no money in Nigeria film industry while insisted that the so called "show off guys" on  social media were just packaging themselves.

Too many wonders in Nigeria film industry...I rest my case here!!!

RECENT POST: DATA COST: Why someone cannot shit in peace in Nigeria

Ontop #gossip your opinion matters. Click to subscribe for my updates


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

DATA COST: why someone cannot shit in peace in Nigeria
DATA is life!!!

Gone are the days were someone can browse the whole internet with just 50MB with his/her Nokia phone or Blackberry for almost one good week.

Initially, cellular phones was not introduced in the stone age but as a result of development in technology, life became more easier in the iron age. People start to travel on vehicles and businesses started growing immensely from one region to another.

But now aday, it's quite unfortunate to realised the disadvantages of advanced technology in this silver age. The value for quantity and quality boost the price of tech devices. Few people can afford what their neighbours can dash-out for free. I wonder how the gold age (next generation) will be come.

But why someone cannot shit in peace in Nigeria???

Despite we managed to afford expensive smartphones and computers but the access to the Internet and social medias is becoming more difficult because of the way telecom companies (especially MTN and AIRTEL) swallowing our DATA after one week of subscription. The DATA COST is becoming more expensive while the DATA itself no longer lasting.

This post is sponsored by

Imagine a blogger like me buying 10GB (worth 12K Naira) in a month but after two weeks of Blogging just to realised that they have swallowed all the DATA. I think this is too much ooo...even if I'm the internet landlord.

A friend of mine was complaining that she had to do monthly sub three times just to check updates and wave friends on social media.

Nigeria telecom companies why are you fokin our DATA without a CD?...Please let us shit in peace!!!

RECENT POST: Ladies be warned as maryam sanda was sentenced to death for killing her husband

Ontop #gossip your opinion matters. Click to subscribe for my updates


Monday, January 27, 2020

Ladies be warned as maryam sanda was sentenced to death for killing her husband

Enough is a enough for the wise!!!

Today, I'm writing this post in tears and sympathy as we noticed that Maryam Sanda was finally sentenced to death by the Judge at maitama high Court, Abuja. The lady was found guilty over the dead of her husband in November 2017.

Although the judgement was though but that is the Justice according to the law. Surprisingly, some dudes on social media among which are Muslims claim to bring the case under "human rights" in which some lamenting that if justice should be well concerned and deserved by Maryam Sanda, she should have not been sentenced to death.

This controversial led to a long thread of discussions and comments on social media especially Facebook. What ever may be the case, I think it's better to pray for this young lady rather than creating topics which are "off the law".

Dear Ladies be warned and have control over your reactions as you don't know what it might led you to. The young lady committed this act over a verbal quarreling between her and her late husband (Bilyaminu Bello)...Imagine...The devil is everywhere and don't let the devil control you. Engage yourself, family and friends in prayers.

Say "NO" to this in your relationship

Say "YES" to this in your relationship

Thank you for reading and may God protect us. You are free to share your opinion in a comment box below. Click to subscribe for my updates

Only a mentally sick person will marry 46-year-old American woman

Some Nigerian guys really deserve to take this pills on daily basis

Wonder shall never end. I was shocked after coming across THIS POST on social media. A typical Hausa guy planning to marry 46-year-old American woman. No wonder English man says "one man food is another man poison". I know some of you reading this post will be surprised why I brought this topic on board today.

Honestly speaking, you may not feel what I'm feeling right now. Besides so many beautiful ladies in Nigeria, northern Nigeria to be precise, this young guy fly-off to America just to marry one old woman for no genuinely reasons. Is this guy really normal???.... I believe he must be on a temple run with his village people.

And guess what???...this boy will finally and jejely scam the American old woman. I have told you this today and I'm very sure that the story will repeat itself soonest. He will surely run with his three legs. Body no be fire wood but who no like better food.

How can you compare ice fish with local dry fish. It can't be possible. I thought I have seen it all but this guy slow my high aswear.

Ontop gossiping your opinion matters OoO..If you were in his shoes will you marry a 46-year-old woman at your age?

Will you marry her for love sake or for money sake?

Make I hear you lie today. Share your thoughts in a comment section below. Thank you!

RECENT POST: This niggor (Devido) congratulating Burna Boy in advance for 2020 grammy awards


Sunday, January 26, 2020

This niggor (Devido) congratulating Burna Boy in advance for 2020 grammy awards

Grammy awards
Devido and Burna Boy at praying ground

No wonder I like Devido. a cool and responsible artist ever in Nigeria music industry. This niggor (Devido) optimistically praying for Burna Boy to emerged as the holaaa of the year, one in town grammy award winning of the year 2020. Well, the humble me was also expecting Burna Boy to hit this goldmine as the giant singer of the year. Surprisingly, I saw the news bouncing ontop this evening then I decided to share with my good people on NBG. reported:
As this year's 62nd Grammy Awards is set to take place on Sunday, January 26, Nigerian singer David Adeleke, professionally known as Davido, has congratulated his fellow artist on his Grammy nomination on his Twitter account.

We are anticipating some h*t beats from this niggor (Devido) and Burna boy in this year ASAP. My people 3 gboosaaa for this latest topic on social media.

Ontop gossiping your opinion matters. Does Burna Boy really deserve 2020 award?

Why other artist like Olamide, Wizkid, and the rest are not wishing him such success. Or are they jealous?

Share your opinion in a comment section below. Click to subscribe for my updates

Inform friends as you get informed by NBG!!!

Friday, November 29, 2019

First Bloggers gossip website in Nigeria

First gossip blog in Nigeria
First Bloggers gossip website in Nigeria

Do you know that (NGB) is the first Bloggers gossip website in Nigeria?

In the previous years ( till date) most gossip website gist, talk and discuss about Nigerian celebrities such as Nollywood actors/actress, musicians and comedians. It's believed that Nigerian celebrities are promoted by Bloggers and YouTubers. Do you know that those Bloggers and YouTubers are more popular online than Nigerian celebrities that they are promoting to reach more audience through online articles and video contents publications.

They have build up thousands of blog subscribers and millions of audience. They use this advantage to trend and gossip about Nigerian celebrities and cover their ass without anyone talking and gossiping about them.

Take a look at lindaikejisblog, the most popular celebrities gossip blog in Nigeria. Believe me, if someone mess up today among Nigerian celebrities, in the next one hour, you will see her talking and gossiping about this God's servant.

She's sharing the good and bad about all Nigerian celebrities. Though, it's not something bad, because she do it for entertainment purposes and also to promote and inspire those that desired to become a celebrity in Nigeria.

But, let me ask you guys. Among you, who know what lindaikeji is doing on daily basis?... I believe non of you can answer this question.

That is what we are here to share with you
I have no doubt to tell you that everybody want to become popular, build either online or offline reputation and yes! Make real money!!

How can you make this dream come true?

Answer: The first thing you need to do is to have a role model and have access to him or her. Why? Because, you need motivations, inspirations and experiences which you can only get it from someone who is already in the game.

For instance, I'm a Blogger (you all know that already) and I was inspired and motivated to start Blogging by my role model (Anty Linda) and above all, I picked up the experience from her over a couple of years now.

As you can see, Anty Linda is running a gossip blog, the same thing with NBG but under a different micro niche. She focused on nollywood actors/actress, musicians and comedians while NBG focused on Bloggers, YouTubers and instabloggers.

You can only find these gossip on NBG.


Well, we are different and unique from any other gossip blog in Nigeria because we are the first Bloggers and YouTuber's gossipers in Nigeria (you can make a couple of searches online just to find out), I believe you won't see any blog in Nigeria that focused only on Bloggers gossiping (we have done the research before we launched this blog), so in case you come across any blog, be rest assured that they copy from us and please forward the blog URL (web address) to us for copyright disclaimer.


You may probably haven't read our "about us" page but we still have something to tell you regarding our vision.

  • Our MISSION is to become the first authority blog in Nigeria that trends Bloggers gossip.
  • Our VISION is to get featured on Forbes as the first Bloggers and YouTuber's gossip blog in Nigeria.
  • Our MISSION is to become the most entertaining blog in Nigeria.
  • Our VISION is to build the most visited blog with sizable audience in Nigeria (which we have started seeing a greenlight from our daily traffic)


Only you can make us to achieve this goals by taking NBG to the next level and making it the most engaging website.

Only you can make us to achieve this by doing a simple task on our platform while we serve and entertain you with curative and informative contents on daily basis.

The three (3) simplest task is for you to share, comment and subscribe to our daily fresh topics on NBG.

You can connect with us on facebook and Twitter by clicking HERE or HERE
Thanks for reading this post and God bless you.


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Blogger reveals how she lost 150 followers on Instagram after sharing her period blood

Do you care to know what is happening on the internet??? Digest this gossip, share and drop your opinion

'Sexuality, vaginas, our wombs - for what reason is it so off-base for them to be seen and discussed?'

A blogger has uncovered how she lost followers in the wake of posting an open picture requiring the standardization of ladies recoloring their bed sheets with blood when on their periods.

Beauty Victory shared an image of herself lying on her side in her bed, with a stain on the sheet.

Close by the picture, she composed:

“for the redness turns to shame and the inner peace blends to hate and the sweetness of chocolate to cure the pain does nothing.”

Furthermore, she additionally shouted to her followers to "normalize bleeding" asking "how does this picture make you feel?"

Most of Victory's followers reacted decidedly to the picture. "Periods are typical for 52 percent of human race! This is my normal month, we should discuss it," said by one of her followers.

"On the off chance that alone I woke up with that little a stain when I'm on my period," said by her follower.

In any case, while many commended Victory for her real to life picture, she at that point uncovered on her story that posting the picture brought about her followers dropping by 150.

In the plan of Victory's 148,000 followers, this is anything but an incredible sum. Anyway the drop was as yet recognizable to her.

"I lost 150 followers in the wake of posting this," Victory composed nearby the picture. "How wild is that?"

She proceeded: "2018 and people are as yet netted out over period blood. We are still loaded with disgrace and humiliation over something not terrible, but not great either so characteristic.

"I realized it was awful however I didn't understand it was THIS terrible. Still motivated to make more discussions however.

"Simply abhor how period blood is seen. It's so significant for my mending to express and develop through the awkwardness of who I am. Sexuality, vaginas, our wombs - for what reason is it so off-base for them to be seen and discussed?"

Read Also: See Woman (Avon) Shines Online As Lifestyle Blogger

Honestly, how many of you (Ladies) can share your blood period on social media?